164 The Cult of the Now (4) Morally Re-framing a Soft Coup

164 The Cult of the Now (4) Morally Re-framing a Soft Coup

Most coups are local and violent over-throws of rulers. Soft coups involve a gradual, incremental, willing handing over of power. Are we in the midst of a soft coup? Sure looks like it. So how'd we get here? What is the strategy that has brought us to this historic crux? Answer: a massive societal loss of nerve, a loss of nerve driven by a moral re-structuring. In this episode I relate all of this to my own golf game. Weird things happen when you lose your nerve!

165 The Cult of the Now (5) Why "Systemic" Racism?

165 The Cult of the Now (5) Why "Systemic" Racism?

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx