336 Necessary Discriminations (1) Judgment Lo Malo y Lo Bueno

336 Necessary Discriminations (1) Judgment Lo Malo y Lo Bueno

Jesus said, "do not judge lest ye be judged." And that settles it: we should never judge, right? Well, actually, no. In the same chapter—Matthew 7—where Jesus starts out by forbidding judgment he positively calls us to make several judgments: bad vs. good fruit, wolves vs. sheep, wide vs. narrow gates, bad vs. good fathers, foundations of rock vs. foundations of sand. So the notion that he banned all judgment is simply silly. In this first-of-a-series episode I unpack Jesus' teaching on good judgment: discernment. We also clarify the bad judgment he was banning. 

337 Necssry Discrimntns (2) Nuance: Trees from the Forest

337 Necssry Discrimntns (2) Nuance: Trees from the Forest

335 RfYtB (8) Vivid—Life in God's Spirit

335 RfYtB (8) Vivid—Life in God's Spirit