347 N. Discriminations (5) Nurtured by Beauty

347 N. Discriminations (5) Nurtured by Beauty

Jesus lived life in beautiful ways. He treated all people as images of God, respected their agency as full persons, never spoke down to them, and never treated people as though they were children. In this fifth episode on making necessary discriminations I talk about how beauty has been important in my own life: my marriage, my vocation, the art in my home, my church attendance, and even how I vote. Beauty—one of life's transcendent qualities—suggests more and therefore calls for more. Beauty doesn't play by the strict transactional rules of today's World Spirit. Come laugh with me as we think through the necessity of making decisions.

348 Necessary Discriminations (6) Gagged by Generosity

348 Necessary Discriminations (6) Gagged by Generosity

346 Boxing the Holy Spirit

346 Boxing the Holy Spirit