360 Soaking in Spirit (11) Welker—Justice, Mercy, Knowledge of God

360 Soaking in Spirit (11) Welker—Justice, Mercy, Knowledge of God

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In the theological component of this episode we examine the unique contributions of Michael Welker to Pneumatology (God's Spirit). Why does Welker land where he does? Why does his presentation seem to take itself apart? What are his foundational commitments? Do they align with biblical commitments and teachings? Along the way I also unpack the significance of method for the doing of theology. So? Welcome, all you theology nerds! At the show's beginning I begin a multi-episode lament on what is happening to the hetero-nuclear family. Why is it so hard to do family life? Why do the hard-working, responsible, two-parent families take it so hard on the chin from our reigning and oppressive system? This is a little show about big ideas, so come and think (and laugh) with me!

361 Soaking in Divine Spirit (12) Ware—Carrying the Spirit

361 Soaking in Divine Spirit (12) Ware—Carrying the Spirit

359 Soaking in D. Spirit (10) Pinnock—More Than an Ornament of Piety

359 Soaking in D. Spirit (10) Pinnock—More Than an Ornament of Piety