All tagged Oregon

252 The Spiritual World (6) Giants, Land, and Extermination

Inside and outside of Christian faith, many ask, "why did God command the Hebrews to utterly destroy the nations?" "Doesn't that indiscriminate slaughter make God an evil being?" Fair questions, indeed. We work through the context for that kherem/destruction and how the land came into play for the ancients in this episode. I also reveal the most unreported story in all of American Evangelicalism. Come laugh and think with me!

212 Time and Eternity—The Dual Nature of Scripture

By his Holy Spirit God spoke through different authors in history. What does that mean, not mean? Why is it erroneous to argue that God alone wrote the Bible? Why is it injurious to argue that people alone wrote the Bible? Is God more or less sovereign for having worked through people? I work through some of my own life story and introduce a new guest to the podcast. Come laugh and think with me!

187 The Inconsistent Illogicalities of 2020

2020 will go down in infamy. What on earth is going on? I work through 47 frequently-humorous ironies from 2020 to point out how absurd life is becoming in America. In the show's beginning I also mention why I left a tenured professor position and whether I buy the "great global reset" conspiracy theories. What do the forces of darkness want out of all this?

172 The Cult of the Now (12) Marxism in the Land of Icons

We here in America are witnessing an energetic push for cultural revolution. But it is not new. It's happened before. What lessons can we draw from Russia, a land that had been suffused with Christian values? What did Marxism and its culture change do the Russian church? What was the decided strategy for undoing and replacing the church? What should critically minded believers learn from all that?

165 The Cult of the Now (5) Why "Systemic" Racism?

We are told this is neither a matter of individual racists wreaking havoc nor is it simply that there are towns or regions that are predominantly racist. No, the dominant narrative is that America is "systemically" racist. Why that resounding refrain? To sort this out I peer into the work of Robin DiAngelo, author of the best selling book, White Fragility. What can we take away from her? How is this all rather like a glacier going off a cliff?

050 Ramblings for the 50th Episode!

Some ramblings to celebrate my 50th episode. Includes my favorites: food, all-time church, Bible-passage, and thing to do. My reflections on society: why are some so angry? Why do so many want to be controlling? An assorted reflection on the existentially tainted nature of time. Plus, I'll tell you some jokes along with some strange "bird" stories. Also share some information about my highest and lowest downloaded episodes. Come and think with me!